
3 Ways NHL STREET Leagues Positively Impact Your Community

It’s no secret that youth sports leagues can positively impact children—the physical, mental, and emotional benefits are endless. But communities also thrive when kids are participating in local, high-quality recreational activities.

To put simply: active communities do better.

Here are three ways NHL STREET leagues can positively impact your community.

Stay Connected

NHL STREET leagues offer inclusive and accessible street hockey programs, so kids of all abilities and levels can participate. This opens the door to children in your community who may not have played, like female athletes.

Even more, research shows that when families are connected to municipal resources through sports, civic engagement increases. After all, when there’s something to rally behind, like weekend games that bring everyone together, your community becomes more connected.
Likewise, youth athletes can build friendships that encourage participation season after season. NHL STREET is like the ball hockey you used to play in your driveway, only structured. What’s a better way to have fun and make friends?

Healthy Lifestyle

Active communities are healthier—they smoke less, have lower obesity rates, higher graduation rates, and decreased unemployment rates.

For children, the impact is just as great. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine analyzed obesity prevention strategies and found that after school physical activity programs would reduce obesity the most, 1.8% among children ages 6 to 12.

In addition to obesity, active children can experience lifetime benefits, including higher test scores and better self-esteem. Bottom line? Investing in programs that get your residents moving, like NHL STREET, has long-term benefits.

Boost Revenue

As a league operator, you can tailor your NHL STREET league to best fit your community’s needs. We provide marketing resources and automated scheduling technology to save you time and money, but you decide the rest.

For example, you can map out how you want to structure your league. Will you have co-ed teams and younger divisions? Will you host tournaments? Of course, we’re always here to help with the framework of your league if you’d like.

And then, you can choose what merchandise to offer. Every player receives a jersey and a stick as a part of their registration, but you can offer add-ons or upgraded jerseys as a way to boost revenue.

At every turn, we’ll help you develop a league that works for your community—and your budget.

Ready to start your league? Fill out the league interest form.

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